I am enjoying the reading and writing assignments. I am particularly happy about how they give me a lot of freedom to write about what I want; for example, even though we have required readings of a particular piece, there are assignments that allow me to create my own story with my own imagination just based on those assigned readings. I like my blog and my website, my website a little more than my blog because of the design aspects, but I like how easy it is to change blogger, so I am content most of the time! I've made a lot of grammatical errors that I do not usually make in my story posts so I want to improve on that, especially proofreading, but I am happy with my content. I think my biggest accomplishment is yet to come, but I predict it would be when I finish entirely revising one of my stories and it gets a lot of both good critical and praising feedback My favorite reading thus far has been the Jataka tales. My reading notes are the entire basis of my story writing, so yes, ver helpful and very important. I learn new reading strategies based on the assignments every week.

Favorite Image
I like the image because it is very encapsulating of one of my favorite parts of the Ramayana series.
I want to make sure I get the best of all the reading experiences, so I want to read every story of another classmate's as if I am proofreading my own for a grade, and to really capture every aspect of it. The same goes for the assigned readings.
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