Sunday, March 29, 2020

Week 9: The Return

This story is  based off a continuation of my week 7 story
Additionally, it uses parts of a week 9 reading option

Days had passed but it surely did not feel like it. Roku has accomplished his mission of getting his father back; the five children from what he called "a surprised adoption" had taken his father away from him, and this was him getting them back.

Although he got his physical father back, he seemingly had not gotten his attention back. Ever since the day his children were taken away from him, Bryan had put his blood, sweat, and tears into finding out what happened to his children. Yes, he was given explanations to why they were gone, or taken away, but it did not seem right. Why would they either be doing drugs, running away, or writing death threats? They were so happy together, weren't they?

Bryan could not rest. He would do everything he could in his power to get his children back. Were they criminals by law? Absolutely. Were they criminals to Bryan? Absolutely not.

As heroic he sounded, nothing was working. He was not wealthy enough to afford bails for his children, so that was not an option. Sweet-talking the law enforcement keeping his children away from him was not either. So, like Roku, the root of these problems, he had a master plan.

That plan was to get in trouble with the law.

And so he did. One evening, while waiting by the crosswalk, Bryan spotted an elderly woman. He was trying to get caught, this was part of his plan; waiting for more of a crowd to form in order to be caught, Bryan prepared himself. The time came, and he snatched the ladies purse. The next thing you know, he was imprisoned.

Thankfully, his town had the organizational skills of a four year old. This meant that every criminal, regardless of the law they broke, was smushed into one building of confinement. You could have stolen a candy bar from a convenience store and had a third degree murderer as your roommate.

His plan was falling into place. He was able to find four of his five kids and get them in on the plan of busting out. He found out Roku was behind all of this; he had framed each and every kid.

Every day at lunch time one of the kids would sacrifice their lunch to dig a hole bigger and bigger until it was able to free them. Until one day, they were able to.

But the fifth child was still missing. Roku had gotten him to "run away." He was found at a homeless shelter, where Roku had told him that his father no longer loved him and was kicking him out. The pleasure on his face when he found out this was not true when seeing his father and siblings again was unmatched.

Now, it was time to get revenge on Roku.

--Author's Note--

I continued my story from Week 7 where a jealous biological son was prompted into getting the love of his father back after 5 children were placed at his door for his father to raise. Although these kids brought him a lot of joy, they did the opposite for Roku. Roku was able to frame them and trick Bryan in thinking they were forever lost, but Bryan was not able to let this go.

Additionally, I took parts from a week 7 story of the drona and princes to add to the "revenge" plot of Bryan getting his children back.

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